About the Society

The Stella Historical Society was Formed in 1976
by a group of people who were passionate about preserving our local history. Clifford and Pearl Burr and Dale Johnson dreamt of a future museum that would preserve the history of Stella. Meetings were held in homes or at Stella Lutheran Chapel.
That same year, on July 24th the SHS organized and held their first "Remnants of the Past" event at the Bunker Hill Grange; otherwise known as the German Creek School, circa 1908.
In 1978, Esther Williamson donated four original buildings to the SHS. Two buildings remain standing. The Stella Post Office and the Stella Blacksmith Shop.
Generations have grown and families have come and gone, but the call to preserve the past of Stella continues strong in the hearts of those who now call this place home.

Stella Historians
Gaye Richards became the society’s first historian in 1976 and served for almost four decades.
After Richards retirement,
Harvey Williamson III became the current Stella Historian.
He is the decedent of William H. Williamson, an early settler of Stella.

Our Mission Statement...
Picture: Stella, Washington
The Mission of the Stella Historical Society is to preserve the early local area history through our museum buildings, artifacts and enthusiastic volunteers, many with roots in the community. To educate all generations through our locally written and published historical books and docent museum tours.

Pictured: (The Ant) Locomotive
Potluck meetings are held at 6:00pm on the second Monday of the following months: February, April, June, August, October and December
For more information,
please call 360-423-3860 or 360-423-8663
Membership meetings held at
Stella Lutheran Chapel
124 Sherman Road
Longview, WA
Meetings open to the community.
Our General Membership Meetings
Join Us in Preserving the History of Stella
Fill out the membership form and become a part of the History of Stella
We love our members and growing our membership, but you do not need to be a member to volunteer!
There are two ways to join. Annual Membership expires each December or Lifetime Membership with no expiration
Lifetime Membership Application
(click PDF icon to view and print)

Annual Membership Applicaiton
(click PDF icon to view and print)